
Your Camera Is Only As Good

As Your Controller

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Add advanced PTZ controls and automation to your Atem, Tricaster, vMix...
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The Precision You Need, The Functionality You Want

We aim to provide you with products that are both professional and easy to use, solving real-world problems and simplifying any configuration. Rocosoft offers a wide range of professional software and hardware solutions to control and automate robotic PTZ cameras and studio equipment. Our PTZJoy™ Controller provides you with many types of smooth cinematic PTZ camera control using virtual on-screen joystick, USB joystick, mouse joystick, keyboard shortcuts, and directional buttons. Our API tool allows you to manage camera and equipment remotely from external apps and controllers.
Let us help you with your project. With our 30+ years of industry experience and knowledge, we are experts in every aspect of Robotic camera control. We work with organizations across many industries including broadcasting and live-production, streaming, videoconferencing, healthcare, education, government, and non-profit sectors. Whatever your project is, let us help you find the right solution for you.


PTZ Camera Joystick Controller for Sony, Canon, Panasonic, Newtek, BirdDog, PTZOptics, Datavideo, TriCaster, Blackmagic, vMix, and more


Rocosoft PTZ Controller USB Joystick Control

Precise camera control with any USB professional or gaming Joystick.

Ditch the limited functionality hardware joystick controllers! Turn any USB joystick into a precise professional PTZ Camera Controller with PTZJoy.
True Cinematic Camera Control, Precise Pan-Tilt-Zoom control with variable speed, three Slow Modes, SoftStart/SoftStop Mode, and our revolutionary AI Curve Mode make our camera handling stand-out of the line of all other joystick controllers.


Camera operators have a variety of options to control PTZ cameras

PTZ Camera Control Made Simple

With several different control options, camera operators can choose to control cameras using a variety of options:
  • Precise on-screen virtual joystick mimics a real joystick
  • Any gaming or professional USB joystick, including an Xbox 360 Controller
  • Two-layer NumPad Hotkeys - use the Number Pad as a PTZ Controller and switcher
  • On-screen Soft Directional Buttons. Soft mode makes VISCA cameras move like cinematic
  • Turn any laptop touchpad, trackball mouse, or your regular mouse into a joystick controller
  • Camera control from external apps and programmable devices using Macros and HTTP requests


Rocosoft Far-End PTZ Camera Control from Anywhere

True Far-end PTZ Camera Control from Anywhere

Rocosoft API allows two instances of PTZJoy Controller to “communicate” with each other. You can connect your local PTZJoy Controller to a remote PTZJoy Controller and precisely control your remote cameras and studio equipment.
Not only can you control your cameras remotely with a joystick, you can do everything that you normally do with your remote PTZ Controller, but locally. That means that you can use the USB Joystick, mouse joystick, keyboard hotkeys, call on presets, adjust camera’s video settings, and use any advanced software features, such as Macros, Multi-Cam Direct Control, PTZPad Preset Visualizer, Camera Tracer, Timeline Task Scheduler, and more.


Rocosoft PTZJoy TriCaster, vMix, Blackmagic Atem, Livestream, Wirecast Integration

TriCaster, vMix, Blackmagic Atem, Livestream, Wirecast Integration

The PTZJoy software integrates into TriCaster, vMix, Wirecast, Livestream interfaces and Blackmagic Atem Controllers. It adds advanced PTZ controls, powerful preset tools, and camera automation technology to your production system.
Rocosoft PTZJoy Controller becomes part of your production system and provides you with professional PTZ control options, camera management tools, and functionality that are significantly more extensive than those offered by the system's internal PTZ control settings.


Rocosoft PTZJoy Controller Powerful Preset Management Tools

Powerful Preset Management Tools

Greatly simplify the logistics of preset switching with a variety of preset control options.
  • Camera and Preset Buttons with customizable thumbnail images - choose from our library of premade graphics and labels or make your own.
  • Customize the pan, tilt, AND zoom camera speed between presets for smoother transitions


See What Our Customers are Saying...

“Really enjoy using PTZJoy in our live show that going on every weekend. It’s much smoother than the built-in control in VMix with the Xbox controller!!!"

- Michel Lyna
{?!} Solutions Y’s !dea inc.


“This is amazing software! Very good purchase for us and everything is very cool. I'm learning a lot and the camera setup was VERY EASY. I've watched a couple of the ROCOSOFT YouTube videos to understand the functionality. I've watched the PTZOptics video that showcases the software too.”

- Anthony Ross
Palm Springs Adventist Church


"Current user and we love the software! Really helps me keep things user friendly for the volunteers at church. Thanks for providing it."
- Kevin Haddock


"Love the software by the way, it is EXACTLY what I was looking for and performs flawlessly!"

- Cecil Boneright
Central Baptist Church


"Over here still happy with PTZ Joy. Appropriate name for the software."
- Aleksandar Obradović
TSP Wave


"Thank you for your help! This is exactly what I needed."
- Lance Hart
WTAP Television


"I have used the software for a few years and really love it."
- Larry White

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